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Katharine Bergeron

303-883-8729 – katharinebergeron@gmail.com


University of Colorado Colorado Springs                                                          December 2022

Bachelor of Innovation in Game Design and Development

Minor in Computer Science

Game Design Skills

• Unity Engine                                       • Unreal Engine 4                        • Python Programming

• C Programming                                 • C++ Programming                   • C# Programming

Relevant Experience

Student Game Project Avarice                                                             January 2020 – May 2021

Agile Development with a team size of 15+

Lead Design Leader during preproduction

o   Came up with the initial idea and direction of the game

Lead Tester during early development

o   Tested implemented features and documented bugs and balance

Lead Level Designer up to release

o   Created 20 different level layouts to be used in random room generation 

User Interface and User Experience project                              August 2021 – December 2021

Team Member

Conducted market research to develop user stories and personas

Created wireframes to assist development of an app

Created interactive prototypes using Axure RP 

Other Experience

Co-President of Esports Club                                                                         May 2020 – May 2022

Develop esports program at university and officially be recognized as a club sport

Created and helped run tryouts for teams in League of Legends, VALORANT, Overwatch


High Ranking Competitive Player                                                              January 2018 – May 2021

Reached Diamond+ in VALORANT with college team experience

Reached high GM in Overwatch with college team and tier 3 experience

Work Experience

Seasonal UPS Employee                                                          November 2023 – January 2024

Package Handler, opportunity for rehire but could not due to cross country move

Costco Wholesale                                                      April 2024 – Current

Food Court Employee

Curriculum Vitae

Katharine Bergeron

303-883-8729 – katharinebergeron@gmail.com


University of Colorado Colorado Springs                                                          December 2022

Bachelor of Innovation

Major in Game Design and Development

Minor in Computer Science


Regis Jesuit High School                                                                                                May 2018

High School Diploma

Aurora, Colorado


Academic Coursework

Innovation Core 

ENTP 1000 Intro to Entrepreneurship

Designed to provide an introduction to the process of turning an idea into a successful startup business. Covers basic aspects of a successful business and introduces the student to the processes for creating a potentially successful business plan. Students will also learn to assess opportunities for venture/value creation, to address/identify risk in the startup process and develop presentation skills to convince others of the potential success to implement the business entity.


INOV 1010 The Innovation Process

Overviews the key components in the innovation process and examples of major innovations throughout history. Examines the interdisciplinary nature of innovation. Includes group exercises focused on improving team dynamics, brainstorming, conceptual-block busting, and other creativity and problem-solving activities.

BLAW 2010 Business/Intellectual Property Law

Examines the legal significance of ideas, innovations, and start-up organizations. A focus on the issues of intellectual property, including patents, copyrights, and brand protection. Coverage of essential contracts and agents.


INOV 2010 INOV Team: Analyze and Report

Sophomore level course emphasizing team projects, research, analyzing data, and reporting. Teams are expected to meet outside of class hours, possibly with sponsor companies. Meets concurrently with INOV 3010 and INOV 4010.

Associated Project: Doorways Software Design project for Housing Data Systems


INOV 2100 Technical Writing, Proposals, and Presentations

Technical writing course. Replaces ENGL 2090 for Bachelor of Innovation majors. Addresses five major types of technical writing: project reports, funding proposals, magazine and trade articles, technical reports, and journal articles. Includes peer review and critical assessments of others’ writings.


INOV 3010 INOV Team: Research and Execute

Junior level continuation of the teams’ course sequence with advanced participation in team projects including research, design, and execution. Teams are expected to meet outside of class hours, possibly with sponsor companies. Meets concurrently with INOV 2010 and INOV 4010.

Associated Project: User Interface and User Experience project for Alethia Software Solutions


INOV 4010 INOV Team: Design and Lead

Senior level continuation of the teams’ course sequence with emphasis on design and leading team projects. Teams are expected to meet outside of class hours, possibly with sponsor companies. Meets concurrently with INOV 2010 and INOV 3010.

Associated Project: Website update and story collection project for UCCS Vast Lab    

ENTP 4500 Entrepreneurship and Strategy

Capstone course for the Bachelor of Innovation. Basic knowledge of finance and accounting, marketing, operations, and management is assumed. Topics include understanding the entrepreneurial process, assessing opportunities, selecting a start-up team, financing entrepreneurial ventures, writing, and presenting business plans, and new venture and competitive strategy. Utilizes lectures and case studies as well as coaching teams in the creation of a business plan and public presentation for an innovative new business or nonprofit organization.


Game Design Core 

GDD 1100 Intro to Game Development

Introduces students to basic game development topics through game design and implementation activities. Students design, implement, and test computer games using drag-and-drop game creation tools. A small amount of programming is required.


GDD 1200 Intro Programming for Game Development

Introduction to programming in the context of game development. Develops methods for problem solving, including the effective use of abstraction. Develops programming proficiency in a modern, object-oriented programming language. Students design, implement, and test various games and game components.


CS 2300 Computational Linear Algebra

Covers mathematical as well as computational aspects of Linear Algebra. The class will apply/explore these concepts: Vectors, Matrices, 2D, 3D, and ND Transforms and Graphics, Systems of Linear Equations, Eigenvalues/ Eigenvectors, Numerical Stability, and Linear Filters/Predictors.


GDD 2100 Game Design for Diverse Populations

Explores the various game design decisions required when targeting games for various diverse populations. Students will learn how to consider gender, ethnicity, and other diversity dimensions through numerous game design projects


GDD 2200 Object Oriented Analysis, Design, and Implementation

Students learn object-oriented analysis and design techniques including domain modeling, use case development, and sequence and class diagram creation in the game domain. Students implement their design in a small game. A variety of data structures are also covered.


GDD 2150 Fundamental Game Design Concepts

Teaches fundamental game design concepts, including character development, storytelling, game balancing, and general level design principles. Also shows how these concepts apply to the most common game genres, as well as addressing the specific issues associated with each genre.

Associated Project: Student Game Project Avarice


CS 3350 Team-Based Game Production

Students continue working on an existing game, starting from the end of pre-production and continue to Alpha, a milestone that consists of delivery to internal employees (team members) for testing.

Associated Project: Student Game Project Avarice


GDD 3000 3D Animation

An opportunity for students to study special topics in Game Design. Course is focused on the development and application of game design skills. Topics offered will cover special interest subjects or rapidly changing areas in the field. Students may take the course several times for credit. Learn how to setup and use programs like Maya to rig, create control structures, and animate objects to be imported into games.

CS 2250 Advanced Data Structures in C++

An advanced study of data structures and object-oriented concepts designed to transition the students to C++. Students explore memory management concepts within C++ including pointers, arrays, constructors, destructors, templates, threads, and GUI development.


GDD 3200 Team-Based Game Testing and Deployment

Students continue working on an existing game. The course work includes Alpha testing by team members, Beta testing (open to a larger community than the development team), implementing changes to the game as required, and final deployment of the game

Associated Project: Student Game Project Avarice

CS 2080 Programming with UNIX

An introduction to the UNIX operating system with an emphasis on the development of C and command shell programs.


CS 3080 Python Programming

Python basics, advanced topics including working with pdf, excel, JSON, CSV, decorators, lambda functions, generators, iterators, pattern matching, web scraping, threading, multiprocessing, networking with sockets, servers with Django, scientific computing using Numpy Matplotlib Class Project.


CS 3400 UI/UX Design

Introduction to user experience and user interface design. Topics include user needs analysis, usability concepts, design principles, interaction design, prototyping, usability testing, basic web technologies, and visual design principles. The emphasis is to gain practical experience in transforming user needs and product goals into a highly usable screen-based experience.


GDD 3000 3D Modeling

An opportunity for students to study special topics in Game Design. Course is focused on the development and application of game design skills. Topics offered will cover special interest subjects or rapidly changing areas in the field. Students may take the course several times for credit. Learn how to utilize Maya and understand topology and modeling. Also, how to export models for use in various engines.


GDD 3000 Level Design

An opportunity for students to study special topics in Game Design. Course is focused on the development and application of game design skills. Topics offered will cover special interest subjects or rapidly changing areas in the field. Students may take the course several times for credit. Study and learn how to iterate and create a level in various games. Learn fundamentals for how to create levels and tools such as Unreal Engine to create levels.


GDD 3400 AI for Games

The purpose of this course is to teach the Artificial Intelligence techniques that are most important in game development. Topics include Finite State Machines, pathfinding, emergent behavior, and other pertinent topics. The course also shows how these concepts apply to the most common game genres, as well as addressing the specific issues associated with each genre.


GDD 4900 Commercial Game Development Practicum

Students in this course individually design and develop a game available to the public for purchase or free play. Developed games will be unique student Intellectual Property and will be commercial-quality implementations of student game concepts.

Associated Project: Student Capstone Project Steamcore     


CS 2060 Programming with C

A first course in the C programming language for those who are proficient in some other high-level language.


Project Experience 

Student Game Project Avarice                                                           

January 2020 – May 2021

Agile Development with team size of 15+

Lead Design Leader during preproduction

o   Came up with initial idea and direction of game

Lead Tester during early development

o   Tested implemented features and documented bugs and balance

Lead Level Designer up to release

o   Created 20 different level layouts to be used in random room generation


Student Capstone Project Steamcore                                                            

January 2022 – May 2022

Student Capstone project

Single semester to develop and design a game

Game had to be functionally complete

Push game to Itch.io for public download

User Interface and User Experience project for Alethia Software Solutions                         August 2021 – December 2021

Team Member

Conducted market research to develop user stories and personas

Created wireframes to assist development of an app

Created interactive prototypes using Axure RP


Website update and story collection project for UCCS Vast Lab                             

August 2022 – December 2022

Team Lead

Led a team of 4 other students to fulfill work for a client

Contacted alumni of the Bachelor of Innovation

Created short stories featuring alumni

Created wireframe prototypes of new website designs

Updated website with various UI updates and story pages


Doorways Software Design project for Housing Data Systems                       

January 2020 – May 2020

Team Member

Plan a product that takes a PDF and translates it into a fillable HTML form

Design and create software design specifications for above project

Create test software based off design specifications above to test efficacy of project


Other Experience/Hobbies 

Co-President of Esports Club                                                                                 

May 2020 – May 2022

Develop esports program at university and officially be recognized as a club sport

Created and helped run tryouts for teams in League of Legends, VALORANT, Overwatch


High Ranking VALORANT Player                                                                   

June 2020 – May 2021

Reached Diamond+ in VALORANT

Played on college team at Diamond/Immortal level


High Ranking Overwatch Player                                                           

January 2017 – May 2020

Reached GM+ in Overwatch

College Team scrimmages at GM+

Tier 3 Semi-Professional scrimmages 5 times a week for 2 hours

Placed 56 out of 578 teams in Open Division Season 3 on Frostbite Esports


High School Robotics

August 2014 – May 2018

Build lead for 3 school years

Led initial Robot design and creation for FIRST Robotics competition

Attended 10+ outreach events showcasing robotics to middle schools in Colorado

Drove the Robot during events and was responsible for strategy

Placed semi-finals in Denver Regional Competition during FIRST Steamworks

Grew High School Robotics program

Led creation of custom-made t-shirt cannon

40+ hours spent on Robot a week during season


Volunteer Teachers Assistant at Jewell Elementary School

January 2017 – February 2017, January 2018 – February 2018

Part of junior and senior program at Regis Jesuit High School

Served as library assistant and taught kid’s skills such as computers and IPad Usage

8 hours every 5 days a week 

Technical Skills 

• Unity Engine                                   • Unreal Engine 4                             • Python Programming

• C Programming                               • C++ Programming                       • C# Programming

• Game Maker Studio 2                      • Autodesk Maya   • Java                                               


CU Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Training

October 2022



Deans List

Fall 2018 Semester

University of Colorado Colorado Springs


Presidents List

Fall 2019 Semester

University of Colorado Colorado Springs


Deans List

Spring 2020 Semester

University of Colorado Colorado Springs


Deans List

Fall 2020

University of Colorado Colorado Springs


Semi-Finalist FIRST Steamworks

Spring 2017

Denver FIRST Regional